10 Details About False Killer Whales

10 Details About False Killer Whales

They may not be the first species that pops in your head when you think about dolphins, but they want our help urgently. The populations seem to be fairly unfold out, and are often present in deeper seas which implies that we don’t know an terrible lot about them. But there may be one inhabitants, who stay in shallower waters off Hawaii, that’s well–studied, and a lot of what we do know comes from this group. False killer whales are so sociable they’ve even been recognized to offer food to human divers.

false killer whale

It often inhabits open oceans and deep-water areas, although it could frequent coastal areas near oceanic islands. Generally, the false killer whale targets a wide array of squid and fish of assorted sizes throughout daylight. They typically target giant species of fish, such as mahi-mahi and tuna. A video taken in 2016 close to Sydney exhibits a group searching a juvenile shark. It sometimes discards the tail, gills, and stomach of captured fish, and pod members have been known to share food. False killer whale researchers in New Zealand rely heavily on sightings reports.


There is little documentation of predators taking false killer whales, though a killer whale attack was observed in New Zealand. At least two false killer whales in Hawaii carry scars from large shark bites, indicating that giant sharks target the species from time to time1,9. The species has been involved in several mass strandings all through its range13-15. Captivity – false killer whales are held in tanks and face the danger of being snatched from their households to be sold to the leisure trade. You’ll recognise these dolphins fairly easily due to their long, slender, black or darkish gray bodies, a slender pointed head with no beak and a prominent bulbous brow, or ‘melon’. They have long, slim S-formed flippers that make them look as if they’ve elbows and a tall, tapered dorsal fin.

The False killer whales mate throughout the year with peak intervals, occurring from January to December and in March. Females give delivery to a single calf, after which they don’t breed for about 6.9 years on average. Even after weaning, calves usually remain in the identical group with their mom. Males of this species are sexually mature by years old, whereas females attain maturity inside years old. They are nearly always seen in association with oceanic bottlenose dolphins. These bottlenose dolphins are different to the ones which are usually seen up across the coastline.

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